
& Conditions

Conditional requirements prior to booking Q-Ride Courses:

Pre Learner (REL)

I confirm that I hold a current class C provisional, probationary or open license (or interstate or foreign licence equivalent) and have held it for at least one year.

If you do not meet this requirement, please contact TMR to confirm your eligibility before making a booking.

Restricted (REL):

I confirm that I hold a current Learner (REL) class Motorcycle license and have held it for at least 91 days.

I confirm that I have successfully completed the Motorcycle Hazard Perception Test with TMR (Either online or at a TMR Office)

If you do not meet this requirement, please contact TMR to confirm your eligibility before making a booking.

Unrestricted (R):

I confirm that I hold a current Restricted (RE) class Motorcycle License and have held for at least two years or you have an exemption from Transport and Main Road to progress to your Restricted Motorcycle license.

  • A minimum of 14 days’ notice is required to reschedule a course free of charge.
  • If you reschedule your course with less than 14 days but more than 4 days’ notice you will be charged a $150 rescheduling fee.
  • If you need to reschedule within 4 days you will need to pay full price of new course.
  • A minimum of 30 days’ notice is required for a course cancellation to result in a full refund.
  • If you cancel your course with less than 30 days’ notice of the course commencement date you will not be entitled to a refund.
  • If you wish to just pay a deposit for your course booking, a minimum of $150 per course must be paid to secure the course.
  • The balance of the course payment must be made within 5 days to ensure the booking is held.
  • If  the balance of the course payment (Course cost minus $150)  is not made within 5 days prior to course commencing, your deposit will be forfeited and the course booking will become available for another student.
Medical Certificate
  • Medical Certificates MUST be provided to Motorcycle Rider Training Australia to exempt from the Refund or Cancellation Policy.
    Please note: The outcome of the medical certificate provided to us is at the discretion of the organiser.
  • If you become ill with COVID you must produce a valid PCR test result from your doctor. Please note: The outcome of the medical certificate provided to us is at the discretion of the organiser.
  • Rapid Test Results will not be accepted. 
Participant to Participant Transfers
  • Participant to participant transfers of a booking can be made up to 2 days prior to the commencement of the course.
Cancellation by Motorcycle Rider Training Australia
  • Motorcycle Rider Training Australia reserves the right to cancel or reschedule courses due to unforeseen circumstances and/or circumstances beyond our control. Should this occur, those who are booked in will be notified and offered to move their course to the next available date or, to move their course into credit. Motorcycle Rider Training Australia will not be held liable for any claims arising from course cancellation.
Course Credits
  • Course credits are at the discretion of the organiser and if given must be used within 3 months of the date the credit was issued.
Weather Conditions:
  • Your course will continue in most weather conditions unless your Trainer deems it unfit to ride on the day.
  • Your course will continue unless you are advised otherwise by a Motorcycle Rider Training Australia representative
    Most Weather Conditions can include but is not limited to: Rain, Heat and Strong Winds
Forfeit of course and total of monies paid:
  • No shows: A no show is defined as someone who fails to attend their scheduled course or fails to advise MRTAUS in writing within 12 hours of course commencement that they will not attending. 
    This includes but is not limited to: Weather conditions, work responsibilities, motorcycle/car problems etc.
    If you are a no show, you will not be entitled to a refund or to reschedule and 100% of the total amount of the booking will be forfeited.
  • Bike unfit to ride: A bike unfit to ride is defined as a bike that is not road worthy, registered or the suitable class for the course.
    NOTE: For an Unrestricted (R) class course the motorcycle MUST be an NON-LAMS Approved motorcycle.
    NOTE: Modifications to a LAMS motorcycle do not change its status or make it eligible for use for an Unrestricted (R) class course unless lodged with TMR and vehicle registered as non-LAMS.
    If we deem your bike unfit to ride you will not be entitled to a refund or to reschedule and 100% of the total amount of the booking will be forfeited.
    Please note you do have the option to book in using a school motorbike. However, this must be organised prior to the course to ensure we have a bike there for you.
  • Participant unfit to ride: A participant unfit to ride is defined as someone who does not have the correct PPE: long pants, enclosed shoes, gloves, helmet, and jacket (Motorcycle Rider Training Australia can supply gloves, helmet, and jacket) or someone who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Participant NOT ELIGIBLE for course: A participant NOT ELIGIBLE for Course is defined as someone who does not meet the Transport and Main Roads minimum eligibility to undertake the applicable course. Such as:
      • Not meeting minimum time frames between courses,
      • Must hold REL for 91 days prior to enrolling for RE Course
      • Not completed the Hazard Perception Test prior to commencement of RE Course:
      • Not having held RE license for 2 years before enrolling for R class course.
  • Motorcycle Rider Training Australia take all reasonable steps to check a participant’s eligibility for a course, however ultimately the eligibility for a course is the participants responsibility.
  • NOTE: Eligibility for courses is not controlled by Motorcycle Rider Training Australia, this is controlled and governed by Transport and Main Roads.
  • For eligibility requirements please visit the Department of Transport and Main Roads website.

If we deem you unfit to ride you will not be entitled to a refund or to reschedule and 100% of the total amount of the booking will be forfeited. Motorcycle Rider Training Australia reserve the right to make an informed decision on if a participant is unfit to ride.

Gift Certificates

Motorcycle Rider Training Australia gift certificates are valid for all Motorcycle Rider Training Australia courses. Any additional cost exceeding the value of the gift voucher will be paid by the redeemer.

  • Motorcycle Rider Training Australia gift certificates are not redeemable for cash and are non-refundable.
  • Motorcycle Rider Training Australia gift certificates will be considered null and void once expired.
Damage Liability

The Participant is fully responsible for any damage caused to Motorcycle Rider Training Australia motorcycles, protective equipment or property. Any damage caused by the Participant needs to be paid for in full within 14days of the damage being caused. Damaged caused to Motorcycle Rider Training Australia Motorcycles, protective equipment or property will be calculated on a case-by-case basis.

  • For Learn to Ride, Refresher, 1on1 training, Learner (REL) and Restricted (RE) courses the maximum payable is $1500 for damage and liability
  • For Unrestricted (R) Class courses the maximum payable is $4000 for damage and liability
General conditions
  • Ensure you have booked into the correct motorcycle training or Q-ride licence course for your needs. If you are not sure that this is the case, we recommend you contact us to confirm.
  • You have read in full, the information regarding the course you have booked into and understand the requirements you need to meet to be admitted to and complete the course successfully.
  • You acknowledge and agree to Motorcycle Rider Training Australia Australia’s refund and cancellation policy.
  • You understand that if you are more than 10 minutes late for your course, you may be refused to sit the course in which case you will forfeit your booking and total amount of the booking fee and will be required to re-book and pay the full fee again if you wish to complete the course.
  • You understand that if you are supplying your own motorcycle it must be 100% roadworthy, registered and the correct class (LAMS approved or non-LAMS approved, depending on your course) and if it is not you may be refused to sit the course, in which case you will forfeit your booking and total amount of the booking fee and will be required to re-book and pay the full fee again if you wish to complete the course.
  • You acknowledge that Motorcycle Rider Training Australia will not tolerate any student being disruptive, disrespectful, using inappropriate language or discriminating against other students or staff members. You understand that if you participate in any of the above behaviour you may be removed from the course, in which case you will forfeit your booking and total amount of the booking fee and will be required to re-book and pay the full fee again if you wish to complete the course.
  • You acknowledge that at times during the course staff/contractors may take photos/videos for use in promotional/marketing activities. You acknowledge your acceptance in participating in such activities and for Motorcycle Rider Training Australia to use these photos/videos for promotional and marketing uses.
  • You accept that Motorcycle Rider Training Australia Pty Ltd is not liable for any injury or damage caused by you or another rider.
  • You acknowledge that the instructor’s decision is final and any attempt to bribe, bully or coerce will be immediately reported to the correct authorities.
  • Information on services provided by Motorcycle Rider Training Australia is available via phone, email, or website/s. Prior to enrolling into your chosen course, ensure you have a full understanding of the structure of the course. All courses are delivered in line with State and National requirements utilizing equipment that complies with all safety standards. Participants must ensure they can undertake all training. All costs, durations and course breakdowns are available on the website.
  • Motorcycle Rider Training Australia will take every possible action to ensure we support you throughout your training and assessment process. If at any point throughout your course, you require assistance or support please discuss these needs with Motorcycle Rider Training Australia staff and we will do our best to help. If you have any special needs, including language and literacy, learning, mobility, visual impairment or hearing please notify staff prior to enrolment. If you do not notify us of any condition that may affect your learning, we may not be able to assist you if the need arises.
  • As part of your training and assessment, you have various rights. Motorcycle Rider Training Australia wants to ensure your time spent with us is both beneficial and enjoyable. If at any point you are harassed, discriminated, or abused, please follow our complaints process.
  • In compliance with our Privacy Policy and the Privacy Act, the information requested on your enrolment form will only be used to process your enrolment and maintain your student record. All information will be kept confidential.
  • Motorcycle Rider Training Australia have a first aid kit available at all venues. These are regularly checked and updated.
  • All students will be granted access to our training and licence programs regardless of gender, race or learning difficulties (considering numeracy, literacy, language or any other learning or physical disability). If you feel you have been discriminated against, please follow our complaints process.
  • All staff identify the risk management process: Identify – hazards assess risks that may result because of the hazards, decide – on control measures to prevent or minimise the levels or risk, implement – control measures, monitor – and review the effectiveness of measures.
  • You permit any photographs or video taken by Motorcycle Rider Training Australia employees during your course to be utilised for advertising and social media purposes, unless you specifically advise staff that you do not consent. 

Terms of Use

Subject to any local laws that cannot be excluded, the law applicable to the use of the material on this website under the domain name “www.mrtaus.com.au” (“Material”) and to disputes arising out of the Material, is the state of Queensland, Australia.

Your use of this website is governed by these terms and the associated privacy policy set out below.

“We” or “Motorcycle Rider Training Australia” means Motorcycle Rider Training Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 86 656 365 481) and its directors and officers.

Aggregate Information

From time to time, we may collect general, non-personal, statistical information about the use of our websites, such as how many visitors visit a specific page on the website, how long they stay on that page and which hyperlinks, if any, they “click” on. We collect this information through the use of “cookies” and other tracking technologies, which are discussed in greater detail below. We collect this information in order to determine which areas of the website are most popular and to enhance the website for visitors. We may group this information into aggregate visitor data in order to describe the use of the website to our existing or potential business partners, sponsors, advertisers, or other third parties, or in response to a government request. However, please be assured that this aggregate data will in no way personally identify you or any other visitors to the website.

Anti-Spam Notice

Publication of electronic addresses on the website of Motorcycle Rider Training Australia is for the purpose of professional communication only and must not be used to infer consent to the receipt of unsolicited commercial electronic messages.

Material on this Site

Changes are made periodically to the Material, and Material could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. We make no warranties or representations regarding the quality, accuracy, completeness, merchantability or fitness for purpose of any Material. Motorcycle Rider Training Australia does not warrant or represent that the Material will not cause damage or is free from any computer virus of any other defects or errors. We are not liable to users of the Material for any loss or damage however caused resulting from the use of the Material.

Links to Other Sites

Material may contain links to other sites. We do not necessarily sponsor, endorse, or approve of any material on such sites or the operations of such sites.

Motorcycle Rider Training Australia makes no warranties or representations regarding the quality, accuracy, merchantability or fitness for purpose of any material on other websites to which Material is linked.

Limitations of Liability

Subject to any applicable law to the contrary which cannot be excluded, any liability incurred in relation to Material is limited to the resupply of the Material, or the reasonable cost of having the Material resupplied.

Under no circumstances will Motorcycle Rider Training Australia be liable for any incidental, special or consequential damages, including damages for loss of business or other profits arising in relation to the Material.

Copyright in Material on This Site

Unless otherwise expressly indicated in specific Material, copyright subsisting in Material is owned or licensed by Motorcycle Rider Training Australia. Other than for the purposes of and subject to the conditions prescribed under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) (or any other applicable legislation throughout the world), or as otherwise provided for in this copyright notice, no part of any Material may in any form or by any means (including electronic, mechanical, micro copying, photocopying or recording) be reproduced, adapted, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. To make an inquiry, email info@mrtaus.com.au

Unless otherwise indicated, Motorcycle Rider Training Australia grants you permission to do the following with Material:

  • a) store a reproduction of Material on your local computer for the sole purpose of viewing the material
  • b) print hard copies of Material for informational, non-commercial use
  • c) reproduce or distribute any complete page of the Material so long as:
      • you do not reproduce or distribute less than a complete page, or, where a document consists of more than one page, less than the complete document.
      • this copyright notice appears in its entirety in each copy made or distributed, and

iii. the Material is appropriately attributed to Motorcycle Rider Training Australia.

The copyright owner reserves all other rights.

Copyright in Other Material

Motorcycle Rider Training Australia makes no warranties or representations that material on other websites to which Material is linked does not infringe the intellectual property rights of any person anywhere in the world.

Motorcycle Rider Training Australia is not, and must not be taken to be, authorising infringement of any intellectual property rights contained in material on other sites by linking Material to such material on other sites.for 3

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